
the tail that wags the dog. üutensil started as an in-house project to prove we could design a better potato masher. Now over 23 patented and award winning products, üutensil is an internationally successful housewares brand


Back in 2004 we designed a revolutionary potato masher – Spudnik. Shown to Martin Rayner at Lakeland in the hope we might get some design work. He ordered 10,000 and the üutensil brand was born.


With over 23 unique award winning products üutensil is sold throughout the world. From the Design Museum in London to Red Dot awards in Germany. Stirr is now in over 20% of all Norwegian households. 

First princples

Every product has been designed from the first principle of can we make this cooking task easier and more efficient. This foundation principle has created step change innovation in a market that has in some cases not changed in 100 years.

designed and tested

All products are throughly tested and proven before production. Extensive 3D CAD development followed by model making and often pre-production samples. Initial samples are always tested by chefs and cooks before final sign off.

Engineering excellence

We bring the same precision and care to kitchen utensils as we do with medical or military products. Exploring the boundaries of new materials and manufacturing innovation to create new and innovative solutions 

getting it right – first time

Making mistakes in high volume products – even low cost items can be very expensive. Stirr has now sold over 3 million units, a problem costing only a few cents per item can add up quickly. We use latest CAD and rapid printing techniques to test and prove designs at an early stage.  

Close collaboration with manufacturing partners – usually in China – also helps keep costs down and success up

See more at www.uutensil.com